約翰迪格威 - 倫敦巴經典實況 CD

約翰迪格威 - 倫敦巴經典實況 CD


  • John Digweed – Live In London
  • 曲風:Tech-House

  • 內容簡介

    約翰迪格威 - 倫敦巴經典實況 CD

    約翰迪格威 - 倫敦巴經典實況 John Digweed – Live In London

    ★網羅Simian Mobile Disco、Roberto Babicz等好手傑作

    1993年於一場在曼斯菲爾的Renaissance派對開啟打碟生涯後,John Digweed二十多年來除了與好搭檔Sasha共同為Progressive House在歐陸主流電音領域開疆拓土,立下了無人能及的汗馬功勞之外,亦曾在Renaissance、Global Underground等超級舞曲廠牌的顛峰時期,留下了彌足珍貴的經典混音傑作,之後更以Bedrock提攜舞曲後進,並以驚人的頻率推出許多令前衛電音愛好者視如珍寶般的絕世佳作,儘管在電音圈子已有著彪炳的戰功及崇高的地位,身兼DJ/製作人/廠牌老闆等多重角色,行程忙碌的英倫電舞天皇依舊不忘藉由打碟與現場舞客分享自己唱片箱中的壓箱好歌。
    繼上一回的《Live In Cordoba》深獲好評,這次再以《Live In London》完整呈現John Digweed出席倫敦Fire & Lightbox舞廳為Bedrock週年紀念派對演出的打碟實況,以長達5個小時、網羅超過50首曲目的馬拉松式頂級電舞饗宴,將其近期音樂喜好與打碟風格的細微轉變表露無疑,寬廣的電氣音場繚繞激盪不絕於耳,厚實飽滿的鼓擊和低音聲線,更令人深刻的感受到前衛電子舞曲獨有的震懾力度,穿越Techno/Electro/Progressive等電音範疇,維持著John Digweed特有的美學辨識度以及完美的平衡感,並且難得可以出現Simian Mobile Disco、Tiga還有倫敦當地Techno年輕鬼才Max Cooper等人出現在播歌單中,這可是各位買遍所有John Digweed的混音作品,都不見得會有的超級Bonus唷!(Shin)


    01. Eagles & Butterflies - Kolleckt
    02. Sebo & Madmotormiquel, Nayan Soukie - Slow
    03. Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Kontakt
    (Sieg uber die Sonne Remix)
    04. Baby Prince ft Lonely C - Nobody
    (Miguel Campbell Club Mix)
    05. Luca Bacchetti - A Night In Nassau
    06. Phonogenic - DesenJumi
    07. Maher Daniel & Nikko Gibler - I’ll Wait For You
    08. Dusky ft. Janai - It’s Not Enough (jozif Voxatron Remix)
    09. Jozif - Twilight (Edu Imbernon 96’ Mix)
    10. Wiretappeur - Iridescent
    11. Ben Pearce - What I Might Do
    (Bonar Bradberry Remix)
    12. Todd Bodine - Melancholiebe
    13. Simian Mobile Disco - Everyday

    01. Sebo & Madmotormiquel, Nayan Soukie –
    Everything Will Change
    02. Stelios Vassiloudis - Coma
    03. Pezzner - Need More
    04. Blamma! Blamma! - Obsidian/Oblivion ft. FEMME (Deleted Edit)
    05. SIS - Miles From Me
    06. Pig & Dan and Olivier Berger - Crazy
    07. Alex Arnout - Serious (Max Chapman Remix)
    08. Justin Martin - Butterflies (Catz ’N Dogz Remix)
    09. Jemmy - Quarry Bank (Stelios Vassiloudis Remix)
    10. Mohn - Eberplatz 2020 (Jorg Burger Mix)
    11. Mohn - Eberplatz 2020
    (Wolfgang Voigt Hard Trance AtlanticXS Mix)
    12. Miguel Bastida & Florian Kaltstrom - Behind The Mirror

    01. Stelios Vassiloudis - What’s That?
    02. Simian Mobile Disco - Unfixed
    03. Igor Bara & Vernon Vicente - Don’t Feel No Way
    04. Julian Jeweill - Zoulou
    05. Nico Lahs - My Side (Daniel Dexter Remix)
    06. Stephan Bazbaz - Hurt Me
    (Mihai Popovicius & Morning Dub)
    07. Pig & Dan - Insomnia
    08. Tiga - Pleasure From The Bass (Subb-an Remix)
    09. Phonogenic - Tired Being
    10. DJ Romain ft. Hype Hunnets - Luv In The Club (Instrumental)
    11. Pig & Dan - Let The Show Begin
    12. Pig & Dan - Natives (Dosem Remix)
    13. Smash TV - Matthew Pervert - Coyu Remix
    14. Quivver - Fakes and Bullshit

    01. Kernel Key - Out Of Body Experience
    02. Harvey McKay & Saytek - Nothing
    03. Antix - Like Ships In The Night (Jamie Stevens Remix)
    04. Max Cooper - Gravity Well (Microtrauma)
    05. Doomwork - Dreamland (Supernova Remix)
    06. Guy J & Sahar Z - 7.11
    07. Kyodai - Never Know
    08. Robert Babicz - Eastside
    09. Butch - 303 (Paul Ritch Acid Dub Mix)
    10. Heiko Laux & Diego Hostettler - Jack Up
    11. Deetron ft. Hercules & Love Affair - Crave
    (Deetron cRAVE Dub)
    12. Gabriel Ananda - Hey Blop ( Marcel Janovsky Remix)
    13. Guy J - Mish Mash
    14. Hollen - Monitores
    15. Technasia - Bastille Days
    16. Pete Bones - Give That Man A Bell
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